June 2024. This contribution favors the interconnection of the El Achiote Biological Corridor located in the area.
Alajuela. 170 new trees, of native species, welcome those who enter the Evolution Free Zone, in Tacares de Grecia. This is part of the reforestation plan on the entrance boulevard from Route 1 to the portico, an environmental initiative of the business park that will reinforce the interconnection of the El Achiote Interurban Biological Corridor.
These trees will help protect the biodiversity processes of flora and fauna in the area and have tap roots, which allow them to grow without affecting buildings. They are native species that are of ecosystemic importance to many birds, insects and mammals for shelter, food, nesting and habitat.
The environmental action is complemented by the planting of another 350 trees that were planted in the business park in June 2023. To date, there are 520 trees that beautify the green areas as part of the tree planting plan contemplated in the sustainability strategy of this business park.
Among the species selected were Lorito, Aceituno, Vainillo, Gold Trumpet Tree, Acerola, Sotacaballo, Yos and Jicaro; 70 of them were located on the boulevard and other trees with a height of 1.2 m were planted in the street.
At Evolution Free Zone we promote sustainable development. In addition, the strengthening of the El Achiote Biological Corridor is fundamental for the environmental conservation of the Western zone; to interconnect landscapes, green areas and allow the migration and dispersion of flora and fauna species. Trees protect water resources and mitigate the impact of climate change,” said Carlos Wong, Managing Director of CODE Development Group, the developer of Evolution Free Zone.
This planting was carried out in conjunction with community stakeholders in the Western region, with the participation of volunteers, including employees of CODE Development Group, the company AVNA, representatives of “Fundación para el Desarrollo en Equilibrio con el Medio Ambiente” (FUNDEMA), the group “Primates de Grecia”, as well as the Municipality of that canton, among others.