December 2023. In an unprecedented way, during 2023 and in the middle of the construction stage, Evolution Free Zone confirmed the arrival of four multinationals of great international renown.
Carlos Wong, CEO of the developer CODE Development Group, explained that the positive response of the companies in such a short time, reflect the reason why this business park is considered the evolution of free zones in Costa Rica.
Undoubtedly, it is an unprecedented fact that in less than a year after the official announcement of the creation of the free zone and even during the construction stage, in this 2023 we can count four internationally renowned companies that chose Evolution Free Zone for their operations in Costa Rica. We have undertaken to create a state-of-the-art free trade zone in which specialized human talent, sustainable development and constructive innovation converge, and we are very pleased with the response achieved”, underscored Wong.
Furthermore, the construction of this business park is progressing steadily according to schedule. The earthwork for the first phase of development has been completed and the construction of the internal infrastructure for Phase I at Evolution Free Zone is nearing completion.
The development group has also invested US$12 million to optimize road conditions in the western region. This has been achieved through the interconnection of the North Inter-American Highway or Route 1 with the access to the free trade zone, as well as the construction of an overpass and a traffic circle with secondary streets.
Among the companies that have announced their arrival at Evolution Free Zone is Okay Industries , focused on the manufacture of components for the medical device industry.
Likewise, Intricon Corporation will set up a plant engaged in the development and manufacture of medical devices that incorporate microelectronics, biosensors and electromagnetic navigation (EMN) sensors.
Finally, Inari Medical will invest US$15 million in a 7,000-square-meter building in its first phase.